High School and Beyond

Journeying to adulthood

The teenage years are a tumultuous time of intense growth, not only physically but emotionally and intellectually. Having a teenager with a hearing loss adds another layer of complexity to what is already a challenging time for most families.

It’s important to remember that this stage is your child at their most energetic, thoughtful and idealistic self.  So, although it can be a period of conflict between parent and child, the teen years are also a time to help kids grow into distinct and independent adults. 

Navigating information

There’s a lot of information to help parents and teachers navigate the combined complexity of the teenage years and hearing loss.

At HEARO, we encourage a kid-centric approach that focuses on understanding the child by life-stage before addressing their hearing in the context of their broader communication and social needs.

"I remember XX being the toughest year with my parents. Because of my hearing loss, they were used to always doing things for me. But I wanted to do things for myself. It felt like we were butting heads the whole time."
Teenager with a hearing loss

Information pages

Our HEARO team has found the following sources of information to be the most relevant for families in the high school years and beyond.

Communication Journey

Communication modality
School supports


Reading the world as a deaf person

School Choices and Supports

Competency and expectations of education professionals
Technology, itinerant teachers, note-takers, interpreters
Setting standards of excellence

Mental Health

The intersection of adolescence and hearing loss
Connection to peer mentors

Developing Community

Social networks, friendships and hobbies
Peer mentors
Family connections

Beyond High School

Transitioning to the next stage of life: study/ training/ work

If you need further information on any of the above topics, please reach out.

Parent mentors – these are your navigation guides!

As a teenager is developing independence and looking to peer support, parents themselves can benefit so much by being able to connect with another parent further along the journey.

Being able to seek advice, share stories and experiences with someone further along the journey is one of the most empowering ways that the HEARO team can support you.

At HEARO, we’re always looking for ways to continuously improve our service.

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