Early Intervention and Preschool

You’re not alone

When you discover your child has a hearing loss, you can feel isolated and alone. But that’s not the case. There are many families in your situation.

The good thing is that early intervention can empower you and help your child develop the necessary skills to thrive in their pre-school years.

Navigating information

Our research highlights that what parents need is not more information on the topic of hearing loss but what is relevant for their child as they develop through different stages of life.

"There isn’t a shortage of information about hearing loss on websites already. But what’s more important is relevant information about events and services and how to pick one service over another."
Parent of a child with hearing loss

Information pages

At HEARO, we’ve found these to be the most important considerations for your family in the early years of your child’s development.

Communication Journey

Modality choices
Communicating with your child
Family dynamics

Early Intervention and Preschool Choices

Catherine Sullivan
Shepherd Centre
Supporting early literacy

Developing Community

Social networks
Deaf adults


Advocating for your child

If you need further information on any of the above topics, please reach out to our Family Support program. We provide tailored support for every stage of your child’s unique journey.

Parent mentors – these are your navigation guides!

Families tell us time and time again that there’s nothing more valuable than having a parent mentor in the early years of their child’s diagnosis.

Being able to seek advice, share stories and experiences with someone further along the journey is one of the most empowering ways that the HEARO team can support you.

Learning about hearing loss

If you’ve just found out your child has a hearing loss, you are about to embark on a journey of discovery together. You will undoubtedly have many questions from the types and causes of hearing loss to assistive devices as well as your child’s communication and social development.

Your child’s hearing by Aussie Deaf Kids is one of the most useful links to help you at the beginning of your journey.

At HEARO, we’re always looking for ways to continuously improve our service.

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